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IILM practices an internationally acclaimed, state-of-the-art coaching philosophy, with a view to make its students future ready. This philosophy segregates coaching into two distinct, but closely intertwined programs named Personal Leadership Program (PLP) and Career Development Program (CDP). Each student is assigned a PLP Coach and a CDP Coach, who ensure the personalised development of their respective Coachee. The objective is to enhance the overall personality of the student, in order to enable better future readiness, as well as development of specific career-related skills to ensure superior long-term career performance and success.

At IILM, your Coaches will enable you to…….

  • Nurture your unique qualities.
  • Achieve academic excellence.
  • Identify your strengths, attributes and interests.
  • Define clearly how you can improve on your weaknesses.
  • Set your short-term and long-term goals.
  • Classify your preferences about electives and career choices.
  • Derive maximum learning from your summer internship experience.
  • Prepare yourself for achieving desired results in final placement.