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Stress Management

Tips: 4As to manage Stress

            Stress is a misunderstood term. People perceive it to be a negative component of life. If it was negative then why people seek to manage it and not kill it? We put efforts to ‘manage’ stress and not kill it because stress to a certain extent helps in performance. Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It is the intuition of fear or expectations about what’s to come. If there was no anxiety (for instance, studying for a big test!).


Be that as it may, if stress and uneasiness start meddling with your day by day life, it might demonstrate a progressively significant issue. On the off chance that you are keeping away from circumstances because of nonsensical feelings of trepidation, always stressing, or encountering serious nervousness about a horrible mishap weeks after it occurred, it might be an ideal opportunity to look for help.

Practice the 4 A’s of stress management

In the event that you can’t change the stressor, change yourself. You can adjust to upsetting circumstances and recover your feeling of control by changing your desires and attitude. Though stress is a programmed reaction from your sensory system, a few stressors emerge at unsurprising occasions for cases: your drive to work, a hot discourse with your chief, or family get to accumulate. When dealing with such unsurprising stressors, ‘you can either change the circumstance or change your response.’ When deciding which option to choose in any given scenario, it’s helpful to view the four A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept. The four A’s – Avoid, Alter, Adapt & Accept

Avoid unnecessary stress

It’s unhealthy to dodge a stressful situation which needs to be addressed, but you may be alarmed by the no. of stressors in your life that you can avoid.

  • Learn to say “NO.” Differentiate between the “should” and the “musts” and say “NO” where required. Stick to your limits.
  • Avoid people who stress you out. If someone consistently causes stress in your life, end the relationship or limit talking to that person
  • Take control of your environment. Analyze the environmental aspects which are causing stress and avoid them. For ex: sad news, traffic, etc.
  • Shorten your to-do list. Schedule your responsibilities and daily tasks. Remove the unnecessary tasks if there are too many

Alter the situation

In the event that you can’t maintain a strategic distance from an unpleasant circumstance, attempt to modify it. Frequently, this includes changing the manner in which you impart and work in your day by day life.

  • Don’t suppress your feelings, instead express.
  • Be willing to adjust. Find a middle ground; if you can ask someone to change their behavior then you should also be ready to change.
  • Try to create a balanced schedule. All work and no play is not a good idea. Try to find a balance between responsibilities and leisure

Adapt to the stressor

In the event that you can’t change the stressors, change yourself. You can adjust to upsetting circumstances and recapture your feeling of control by changing your desires and frame of mind.

  • Reframe Situations. Attempt to see unpleasant circumstances from a progressively positive point of view. Instead of worrying about a congested driving conditions, take a look at it as a chance to stop and pull together, tune in to your preferred radio broadcast, or appreciate some alone time.
  • Look at the big picture. Take point of view of the unpleasant circumstance. Ask yourself how significant it will be over the long haul. Will it matter in a month? A year? Is it extremely worth getting annoyed with? In the event that the appropriate response is no, center your time and vitality somewhere else.
  • Practice gratitude. At the point when stress is getting you down, pause for a minute to think about every one of the things you acknowledge in your life, including your very own positive characteristics and endowments. This straightforward system can assist you with keeping things in context.

Accept the things you can’t change

A few wellsprings of stress are unavoidable. You can’t forestall or change stressors, for example, the passing of a friend or family member, a genuine disease, or a national downturn. In such cases, the most ideal approach to adapt to pressure is to acknowledge things as they seem to be. Acknowledgment might be troublesome, yet over the long haul, it’s simpler than railing against a circumstance you can’t change.

  • Don’t try to control the uncontrollable. A lot of things in life are beyond of our control, specially the behavior of others. We can control our responses, so we should focus on them.
  • Look for the positive. Look opportunities in challenges. Learn from your mistakes.

Get a habit to forgive. We live in an imperfect world and people do make mistakes. We sho uld accept this and free ourselves from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

  • Share your feelings. Sharing helps a lot. It may be difficult but it surely helps. Talk to a trusted known person or a therapist.